Geleneksel Yemeklerde Dijital Gastronomi Vizyonu
Züleyhan BARAN
Turkish Studies
Digital gastronomy is a new concept arising from technological developments in tourism. This concept is considered a vision that can contribute to the sustainability of gastronomy tourism and transfer it to future generations. This situation brings with it the problem of how the technological developments will reflect on traditional meals, which are essential within the scope of gastronomy tourism. This study has tried to determine how the digital gastronomy vision will impact traditional meals
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... and how traditional meals will adapt to technological developments within the framework of this vision. In this context, the study was designed as a qualitative research design and as a compilation. First, the conceptual framework determined the topics of the new generation of kitchen technologies. In the literature, the subject of new-generation kitchen technologies includes digital gastronomy, gastronomy 4.0, digital cuisine, hybrid cuisine, molecular gastronomy, laboratory-produced food, note-by-note kitchen, artificial intelligence robotic kitchen, threedimensional printer, cyber food, luxury gastronomy, and new generation restaurant. Found one thesis, three proceedings, seven books, twenty-six articles, and also four essential publications about the subject on websites in search on the topics thought to be related to the subject. In light of the data obtained futuristic approaches have been made for the digital gastronomy vision. As a result, it has been understood that the vision of digital gastronomy consists of a set of systems that prevent waste, enable it to be prepared under personalized nutritional value, and aim to preserve traditional recipes with new generation kitchen technologies. It is foreseen that the adoption of the digital gastronomy vision will play an active role in the preservation of traditional food, and culinary culture concepts of traditional food will be carried to further dimensions and play an active role in preserving cuisine culture.