Kaon-nucleon scattering amplitudes andZ*enhancements from quark Born diagrams

T. Barnes, E. S. Swanson
1994 Physical Review C  
We derive closed form kaon-nucleon scattering amplitudes using the "quark Born diagram" formalism, which describes the scattering as a single interaction (here the OGE spin-spin term) followed by quark line rearrangement. The low energy I=0 and I=1 S-wave KN phase shifts are in reasonably good agreement with experiment given conventional quark model parameters. For k_lab> 0.7 Gev however the I=1 elastic phase shift is larger than predicted by Gaussian wavefunctions, and we suggest possible
more » ... ns for this discrepancy. Equivalent low energy KN potentials for S-wave scattering are also derived. Finally we consider OGE forces in the related channels KΔ, K^*N and K^*Δ, and determine which have attractive interactions and might therefore exhibit strong threshold enhancements or "Z^*-molecule" meson-baryon bound states. We find that the minimum-spin, minimum-isospin channels and two additional K^*Δ channels are most conducive to the formation of bound states. Related interesting topics for future experimental and theoretical studies of KN interactions are also discussed.
doi:10.1103/physrevc.49.1166 pmid:9969325 fatcat:mhfbylm43rbnzdxorkgkxolyla