Application of time resolved area normalized emission spectroscopy to multicomponent systems

A. S. R. Koti, N. Periasamy
2001 Journal of Chemical Physics  
Time resolved emission spectroscopy ͑TRES͒ provides information on the excited state kinetics and heterogeneity of emissive species in a system. Time resolved area normalized emission spectroscopy ͑TRANES͒, an extension to TRES, is a novel, model-free method for the analysis of intrinsic or extrinsic fluorescence probes in complex chemical and biophysical systems ͓Koti, Krishna, and Periasamy, J. Phys. Chem. A 105, 1767 ͑2001͔͒. Observation of a single isoemissive point in TRANES analysis of
more » ... orescence is an unambiguous indication of the presence of two emissive species in the system. The presence of multiple isoemissive points in TRANES spectra is confirmed using simulation and experimental data of multicomponent systems.
doi:10.1063/1.1405017 fatcat:f4nblecvmfd4voboqrt3m5kyf4