Geometric Effects on Damping Characteristics of Acoustic Cavity for the Control of Combustion Instabilities
연소불안정 제어를 위한 음향공의 감쇠에 대한 형상 효과

2006 Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences  
Acoustic cavity as a stabilization device to control high-frequency combustion instabilities in liquid rocket engine is adopted and its damping capacity is verified in atmospheric temperature. First, harmful resonant frequency in a modeling chamber can be damped effectively by the installation of properly-tuned acoustic cavity. Besides, geometric effects of acoustic cavity on damping characteristics are analyzed and compared quantitatively. Satisfactory agreements have been achieved with linear
more » ... acoustic analysis and experimental approach. Results show that the acoustic cavity of the largest orifice area or the shortest orifice length was the most effective in acoustic damping of the harmful resonant frequency. Finally, it is proved that an optimal design process is indispensable for the effective control of combustion instabilities.
doi:10.5139/jksas.2006.34.6.059 fatcat:bzlr6tq63betbc3tnyrmgd7nuq