Measurement of the muonic branching fractions of the Υ(1S) and Υ(3S)

W.-Y. Chen, R. L. McIlwain, D. H. Miller, C. R. Ng, E. I. Shibata, W.-M. Yao, E. H. Thorndike, M. S. Alam, N. Katayama, I. J. Kim, W. C. Li, X. C. Lou (+78 others)
1989 Physical Review D, Particles and fields  
Using the CLEO detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring, we have measured the muonic branching fractions 8» of the Y(1S) and Y(3S) to be (2.52~0.07~0.07)% and (2.02+'0. 19 0.33)%, respectively. The decay of an Y into a lepton pair can be described by the annihilation of the constituent b and b quarks into a virtual photon which, in turn, materializes into e e @+p, or i+ i . The measurement of the muonic branching fraction 8» is of interest because it can be combined with the partial width
more » ... f the Y into electrons, I ", to obtain the total width of the resonance, which is too narrow to be measured directly. 8» also represents the relative strength of the Y decay into leptons compared to the decay into three gluons. In this paper, we report new measurements of 8» for the ground and second-excited triplet Y states: Y(1S) and 3528
doi:10.1103/physrevd.39.3528 pmid:9959608 fatcat:adtqk34avzgdzdoqk4prufx4oy