Improving Secure Device Insertion in Home Ad Hoc Networks [chapter]

Olivier Heen, Jean-Pierre Andreaux, Nicolas Prigent
2004 Security and Protection in Information Processing Systems  
Home ad-hoc networks are sets of devices that interact to offer enhanced services to the users. These networks are heterogeneous, dynamic and fully decentralized. Moreover, they generally lack of a skilled administrator. These properties dramatically reduce the efficiency of classical security approaches: even defining the boundaries of such networks can be difficult. Ways to solve this problem where recently found, using the concept of secure long-term communities. Solutions rely on one
more » ... l operation: the secure insertion of a device in the home ad-hoc network. In this paper, we propose two ways to improve this operation, using store-and-forward techniques. The first improvement deals with the ability to realize insertion under loose connectivity circumstances. The other improvement deals with the ability for the user to use any trusted device in order to realize insertion.
doi:10.1007/1-4020-8143-x_25 dblp:conf/sec/HeenAP04 fatcat:n3ppyziwnzd5rhh5j5cnfh7boa