Surgery Agreement Signature Authentication System for Mobile Health Care

Jun-Ho Huh
2020 Electronics  
Currently, the use of biometric systems is increasing following the increase in the non-face-to-face security transactions in the Health Care sector, where smart devices are extensively used. Additionally, hospital patients or their guardians had to sign every medical/surgery consent form with a pen. Currently, hospitals are attempting to digitalize the form to avoid its loss or delay to the operating room. Thus, this study proposes a surgery consent signature authentication system for the
more » ... e health care system. Along with the vein or the fingerprint recognition technology, the smart electronic signature recognition technology is regarded as a new type of security solution for Mobile Health Care, which is a compound of Health Care and technology, or a smart contents and display technology. Thus, this study proposes a surgery agreement signature authentication system for Mobile Health Care while using the techniques, such as database segment units comparison in the cloud, Bag of Word, etc. The proposed system was implemented with Java language and developed in a way the reference signature stored in advance in a cloud database to be compared with the signature currently entered. For the comparison, the segment matching, spatial pyramid matching, and boundary matching techniques were used in addition to the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm. Additionally, the system has been made lighter than the existing experimental products, so that it is easier to embed the system into a smart phone, tablet, or others. The Test Bed experiment result showed that the system operated flexibly.
doi:10.3390/electronics9060890 fatcat:ww6lzwnylrdyphdlpir3ubkr3i