A marching procedure for form-finding for tensegrity structures

Andrea Micheletti, William Williams
2007 Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures  
The problem of form-finding for a tensegrity structure is considered. We describe a method of arriving at stable placements of a given tensegrity structure by starting from a known stable placement and altering edge-lengths in a way consistent with the restrictions of the equilibrium equations. As an introduction, the main previous results concerning stability are presented. Deeper insight in the form-finding process is then offered through the characterization of the manifold to which
more » ... tensegrity systems belong. Several special cases are illustrated. A final example of a large system shows the reliability of the method.
doi:10.2140/jomms.2007.2.857 fatcat:7hatc6pqbrb7dlco3yggxfrkdy