Thermophilic biotrickling filtration of gas–phase trimethylamine

Zaishan Wei, Qianru Huang, Qihong Ye, Zhouyang Chen, Baoren Li, Jianbin Wang
2015 Atmospheric pollution research  
The objectives of this work were to investigate trimethylamine (TMA) removal by thermophilic biotrickling filtration (TBTF) and to examine the microbial community developed at 56 °C. TMA removal efficiency in the TBTF system was up to 99.9%. At a bed contact time of 25.8 s, the elimination capacity at 56 °C in the TBTF was 375.2 g TMA m -3 h -1 , which was higher than that of mesophilic biotrickling filtration. TBTF was able to quickly recover from a normal temperature shutdown period of a
more » ... . The thermophilic bacterial communities in the TBTF which were assessed by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE), play the dominant role in the thermophilic biological processes of metabolism, ammoxidation, nitrification, denitrification and carbon oxidation. These results show that TBTF is achievable and open new possibilities for applying biotrickling filtration to hot odorous gas streams from sewage sludge drying.
doi:10.5094/apr.2015.047 fatcat:fm6am5avnjhgtl4oscg36nrl3u