Multi-Session Visual Roadway Mapping

Stefan Boschenriedter, Phillip Hossbach, Clemens Linnhoff, Stefan Luthardt, Siqian Wu
2018 2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)  
This paper proposes an algorithm for camera based roadway mapping in urban areas. With a convolutional neural network the roadway is detected in images taken by a camera mounted in the vehicle. The detected roadway masks from all images of one driving session are combined according to their corresponding GPS position to create a probabilistic grid map of the roadway. Finally, maps from several driving sessions are merged by a feature matching algorithm to compensate for errors in the roadway
more » ... ection and localization inaccuracies. Hence, this approach utilizes solely low-cost sensors common in usual production vehicles and can generate highly detailed roadway maps from crowdsourced data.
doi:10.1109/itsc.2018.8570004 dblp:conf/itsc/BoschenriedterH18 fatcat:kd6sxc6zfbd3hj56pekyqnyvmi