Identification of Novel Transmembrane Proteins in Scirrhous-Type Gastric Cancer by the Escherichia coli Ampicillin Secretion Trap (CAST) Method: TM9SF3 Participates in Tumor Invasion and Serves as a Prognostic Factor

Htoo Zarni Oo, Kazuhiro Sentani, Naoya Sakamoto, Katsuhiro Anami, Yutaka Naito, Takashi Oshima, Kazuyoshi Yanagihara, Naohide Oue, Wataru Yasui
2014 Pathobiology (Basel)  
differentiated GC. There was a strong correlation between TM9SF3 expression and poor patient outcome, which was validated in two separate cohorts by immunostaining and quantitative RT-PCR, respectively. Transient knockdown of the TM9SF3 gene by siRNA showed decreased tumor cellinvasive capacity. Conclusion: Our results indicate that TM9SF3 might be a potential diagnostic and therapeutic target for scirrhous-type GC.
doi:10.1159/000357821 pmid:24642718 fatcat:hks3krybevhmhaambyfu6jbeq4