A New Symbolic Method for Discernibility Matrix in Rough Set

Qianjin Wei, Tianlong Gu
2014 International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology  
Generating discernibility matrix consumes huge time and space .To solve this problem, A new Binary Discernibility Matrix (BDM) induced from information table is defined, The concept of Binary Conjunction Matrix(BCM) is then introduced, Finally A novel method for discernibility matrix using Zero-Suppressed BDDs (ZBDD) and Ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDD) is proposed in this paper, experiment is carried to compare the storage space of discernibility matrix with that of ZBDD and OBDD,
more » ... s show that the new method has better storage performance and improve the attribute reduction for those information systems with more objects and features. graph are also proposed. Visnja Ognjenovic, etc., presents a new form of indiscernibility relation based on graph [17] . In this paper, ZBDD and OBDD are used to represent the family of all equivalence classes of indiscernibility relation; it has been shown how the discernibility matrix can be represented using ZBDD and OBDD.
doi:10.14257/ijhit.2014.7.6.17 fatcat:acwxrx3xjbelpdqrkmfgmmckeq