Essentially Hermitian operators on $l\sb{1}$ are compact perturbations of Hermitians

David Legg, Joseph Ward
1977 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society  
In this paper, we present a solution to one case of a problem of F. F. Bonsall; namely, that every essentially Hermitian operator on /( is a compact perturbation of a Hermitian operator. 2. Definitions and notation. The notation is that used by Bonsall and Duncan [2], [3]. Let n = {(*,/) EX XX*: \\x\\ = ||/|| = \,f(x) = 1). The spatial numerical range of T E B(X) is the set V(T) = {/(7x): (x,f) E II}.
doi:10.1090/s0002-9939-1977-0458210-0 fatcat:rftd7q6t45egzldeo3qez4czji