Optimization of Switching Loss of a DC-DC Boost Converter

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
The dc-dc boost converters are widely used in various power conversion applications because of their increase in demand both in domestic, commercial and industrial applications. The voltage boosting techniques include mostly combination of components such as inductors, capacitors, switches etc with their various configurations. The combination of these boosting components oriented in different configurations appears largely in literature, but refer the techniques of hard-switching of the
more » ... nductor devices. In order to meet the growing demand and to look into the aspect of better efficiency of these converters, the soft-switching of devices plays a prominent role, which lacks in literature. Though very few papers appear in literature as far as soft-switching is concerned, but the addition of more than one or two switches make the things uneasy and the researchers lack interest in it. Even though the conventional boost converters appear in various forms of topologies in literature, but it needs further critical investigation so far to minimise switching loss. The proposed topology, which is similar to the conventional topology with slight modification, gives lucid insight in fulfilling with partial soft-switching capability of circuits. The single switch is turned-off under zero-voltage switching (ZVS) and turned-on under partial hard-switched by proper designing of snubber components. The prominent components of the topology are designed at its optimum level to improve performance
doi:10.35940/ijrte.c5006.098319 fatcat:nvxo5gjsrfgudegcytqg5no73m