Economic assessment of the complex damage caused by the activities of coal mining enterprises

Irina Sergeevna Trapeznikova
2021 CITISE  
The generally accepted practice of measuring regional economic development involves taking into account exclusively monetary factors, including the size of the gross profit of economic entities and the amount of tax revenues to local budgets. Accounting for the damage to the territories of presence that is created during the operation of large industrial enterprises of the extractive industry, if made, is not taken into account, while the underestimation of the social and environmental factors
more » ... eads to a distorted perception of trends. Regions with a developed coal mining industry are territories that are exposed to significant man-made impacts on all components of the environment. The work of open-pit coal mining enterprises is accompanied by the withdrawal of significant amounts of agricultural land from circulation, the release of pollutants into the atmosphere, including greenhouse gases, and pollution of surface and underground waters. The location of coal enterprises near residential buildings leads to a decrease in the quality of life of the population and its understandable discontent, which in turn provokes an increase in social tension. All these factors must be taken into account together when calculating the actual damage caused by the coal industry enterprises to the territories of their presence. This article presents an assessment of the complex damage from the activities of coal mining industries in order to demonstrate a steady increase in damage from the environmental factor to the economy of regions with a developed coal mining industry on the example of the Kemerovo region, as the leading coal region of the country. Understanding the actual amount of damage allows you to find the right solutions when developing programs for the socio-economic development of mining regions.
doi:10.15350/2409-7616.2021.2.39 fatcat:sat57geai5a4fbj2hmnm4q6dli