An Improved Show Case

1888 Scientific American  
A 8tove fo r heating railway cars, provided with ap pliances for extinguishing the fire in case of accident or of the extraordinary tipping of the car, has been pat ented by Mr. William P. Wheeler, of No. 814 West Madison Street, Louisville, Ky., and is illustrated here with, Fig. 2 being a sectional view through the two upper annular water reservoirs. Within two annular plates on the base plate is a water reservoir surround i ng the fire pot, under which air tu bes, A, pass through the car
more » ... r, a pipe, B, from the reservoir providing for drainage when desirable. Heat-insulating material is placed between the reservoir and its surrounding plates. and the reservoir is divided perpendicularly by perforated part itions and horizontally by perforated shelves. To the top of the stove wall is fitted a ring which supports asecond annular water reservoir, and pipes, D, extending through it, communicate with the reservoir below, these pipes surrounding long bolts which securely bind together the two reservoirs and the stove. Between the upper part of the lower reser voir and the fire pot, at A, are short tubes, with an au
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican07281888-50d fatcat:njp67iizzvcsndh543dcpuepym