Monitoring the Location of Cathode-Reactions in Li-O2Batteries

Imanol Landa-Medrano, Ricardo Pinedo, Idoia Ruiz de Larramendi, Nagore Ortiz-Vitoriano, Teófilo Rojo
2015 Journal of the Electrochemical Society  
The performance of Li-O 2 batteries is typically evaluated by specific capacity and cyclability in order to facilitate quantitative comparison in literature. The accuracy of such comparison is limited, however, due to the wide range of factors which control the reported specific capacities. These comparisons are not always fair as some factors, which can highly influence the obtained specific capacities, are often neglected. A rigorous and systematic study has been conducted in order to
more » ... the isolated effect of diverse parameters on the performance of these promising batteries. The analysis of cells with different carbon contents reveals that the discharge reactions do not necessarily take place throughout the electrode mass, but instead occur preferentially in closest proximity to the oxygen gas-electrolyte interface. The effective activity of the cathode material is therefore reduced as distance from this interface increases. This work demonstrates that the lack of standardized measurement protocols hinders the rapid development of this technology due to the difficulties inherent in the direct comparison of cells with wide-ranging measurement conditions. In addition, it has been demonstrated that both the employed carbon loading and current rate critically affect cycling lifetime.
doi:10.1149/2.0191502jes fatcat:gdxwkjouzvdytpuorxmnd4anqu