R. M Yakub. Childhood hygiene and social education. Ed. "Rab., Prosv." M., 1928, 228 pages

E. Lepsky
1929 Kazanskij Medicinskij Žurnal  
The book was composed of lectures given to teachers, and refers primarily to them, but it is of interest to doctors as well. The core of the book is made up of chapters devoted to social pathology and hygiene of the most important periods of childhood (infancy, preschool and school ages) and the social and hygienic work of a doctor and teacher. The social conditioning of health and disease is very well shown here; on the example of the fight against tuberculosis, the specific content of the
more » ... t against a social disease is revealed; the work of OZD doctors is described in detail.
doi:10.17816/kazmj80045 fatcat:tjwjuec6mzfrzpj4gjto3zqc44