IoT Based Smart Garbage Detection System

Abhishek Dev, Maneesh Jasrotia, Muzammil Nadaf, Rushabh Shah
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology   unpublished
Owing to a paradigm shift toward Internet of Things (IoT), researches into IoT services have been conducted in a wide range of fields. As a major application field of IoT, waste management has become one such issue. The absence of efficient waste management has caused serious environmental problems and cost issues. We here propose a probable solution to this problem for urban cities. Using IoT technologies for waste management is one probable solution that we have proposed through our work. We
more » ... xplain our idea with the help of a simulation model. This model consists of an Arduino controller, a few garbage bins loaded with sensors and they are monitored continuously through a web. This system also has a scope for citizen participation, wherein any grievances from citizens related to waste management is heard.