Effects of TFA addition on the growth of sintered YBa2Cu3Oy superconductors

Ryusuke Kita, Keita Kuroda, Teppei Kato, O. Miura, K. Yamada, K. Kaneko
2012 Physics Procedia  
The effects of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) addition on the growth of a superconducting phase in sintered YBCO samples were investigated. YBCO samples with TFA addition were prepared by adding TFA (99.0%) to YBCO powder and then pressed into pellets and heated 1173 K -1213 K for 12 -20 hr in air. After the heat treatment, the TFA-added sample showed large grain sizes and highly c-axis oriented structures compared to pure YBCO samples, which indicates the enhancement of the grain growth of YBCO
more » ... tered samples by the TFA addition. The J c (0) value and J c /J c (0T) properties of the sintered samples was improved by the TFA addition.
doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2012.03.426 fatcat:52hgnm43gbfvxnjfcu2smhbjz4