Explicit expression for symmetric identities of w-Catalan–Daehee polynomials

Taekyun Kim, Department of Mathematics, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Seog-Hoon Rim, Dmitry V. Dolgy, Sung-Soo Pyo, Department of Mathematics Education, Kyungpook National University, Institute of Natural Sciences, Far Eastern Federal University, Department of Mathematics Education, Silla University
2018 Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics  
Recently, Catalan-Daehee numbers are studied by several authors. In this paper, we consider the w-Catalan-Daehee polynomials and investigate some properties for those polynomials. In addition, we give explicit expression for the symmetric identities of the w-Catalan-Daehee polynomials which are derived from p-adic invariant integral on Z p .
doi:10.7546/nntdm.2018.24.4.99-111 fatcat:3xly7bnhvfa2pct5zxsqo5qqy4