Towards a standard procedure for the measurement of the multi-photon component in a CW telecom heralded single-photon source

Enrico Rebufello, Fabrizio Piacentini, Marco A Lopez, Robert A Kirkwood, Ivano Ruo Berchera, Marco Gramegna, Giorgio Brida, Stefan Kueck, Christopher Chunnilall, Marco Genovese, Ivo Pietro Degiovanni
2019 Metrologia  
Single-photon sources are set to be a fundamental tool for metrological applications as well as for quantum information related technologies. Because of their upcoming widespread dissemination, the need for their characterization and standardization is becoming of the utmost relevance. Here, we illustrate a strategy to provide a quantitative estimate of the multi-photon component of a single-photon source, showing the results achieved in a pilot study for the measurement of the second order
more » ... correlation function g^(2) of a low-noise CW heralded single-photon source prototype (operating at telecom wavelength λ=1550 nm) realized in INRiM. The results of this pilot study, involving PTB, NPL and INRiM, will help to build up a robust and unambiguous procedure for the characterization of the emission of a single-photon source.
doi:10.1088/1681-7575/ab022e fatcat:4mm7tpmbsbbdzmjsdhr5ovjxna