Alkali-Metal Adsorption on the Monolayer of Coronene

Megumi ENDO, Masahiro YANO, Yuri HASEGAWA, Ryosuke OKADA, Yoichi YAMADA, Masahiro SASAKI
2013 Hyomen Kagaku  
Potassium adsorption on the coronene monolayer has been investigated as a model of the alkali-metal doping of the organic superconductors. It was found that the coronene monolayer underwent a structural rearrangement upon K adsorption. Upon the rearrangement, significant chemical shift of the core levels of coronene was seen, indicating the strong interaction between K and coronene accompanied with charge transfer from K to coronene.
doi:10.1380/jsssj.34.432 fatcat:l4j3fhu275bqpp6gkgwu26tpbu