Literature Review of Electric Wheelchair

Prof. Rohan Ingle
2019 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
There are some people who cannot walk on their own because of some problems such as accidents, handicapped issues, age factors, etc. So there must be some mechanism that can be use to restrain these defects. The proposed Android Controlled Wheel Chair is used to remove these defects and let the people live their life on their own, and survive in the environment easily. The android application is created and installed in the Smartphone and the connection is done using Bluetooth. This wheelchair
more » ... an move in two modes, first is touch mode and the second is voice mode. In the touch mode when user want to change the direction, then by using the touch screen of the Smartphone the user has to choose the direction specified within the four quadrants on the screen. The user can move upward, downward, right and left according to the specific commands given by the user by the Smartphone.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2019.5663 fatcat:keyprqkjwbfdzmnxa5mnfnfqzu