Baryon anomaly and strong color fields in Pb + Pb collisions at 2.76ATeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

V. Topor Pop, M. Gyulassy, J. Barrette, C. Gale
2011 Physical Review C  
With the HIJING/BBbar v2.0 heavy ion event generator, we explore the phenomenological consequences of several high parton density dynamical effects predicted in central Pb+Pb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) energies. These include (1) jet quenching due to parton energy loss (dE/dx), (2) strangeness and hyperon enhancement due to strong longitudinal color field (SCF), and (3) enhancement of baryon-to-meson ratios due to baryon-anti-baryon junctions (JJbar) loops and SCF effects.
more » ... saturation/minijet cutoff scale p0(s)and effective string tension kappa(s,A) are constrained by our previous analysis of LHC p+p data and recent data on the charged multiplicity for Pb+Pb collisions reported by the ALICE collaboration. We predict the hadron flavor dependence (mesons and baryons) of the nuclear modification factor RAA(pT) and emphasize the possibility that the baryon anomaly could persist at the LHC up to pT=10 GeV, well beyond the range observed in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC energies.
doi:10.1103/physrevc.84.044909 fatcat:uw6qg7xbnjaefcwjuzat3dpx2i