Morphological and Numerical Characteristics of the Southern Chinese Dentitions. Part II: Traits in the Permanent Dentition

Nigel M. King, Jennie S.J. Tsai, H. M. Wong
2010 The Open Anthropology Journal  
Aim: To investigate the prevalence of four major dental traits in the southern Chinese permanent dentition and to compare these with studies from different populations. Materials and Methods: The material used in the study consisted of high quality study models collected from 725 randomly selected 12-year-old children in Hong Kong (358 males and 367 females). The various traits were assessed using standard diagnostic criteria. Literature and data related to dental traits in the permanent
more » ... on were sourced using PubMed and hand searches. Results: The mouth prevalence of shovelling, lingual tubercle, Carabelli's trait, and protostylid were 80.4%, 38.9%, 50.5% and 37.5% respectively. The prevalence figure for the cusp type of Carabelli's trait in this study (23.7%) was higher than for other Mongoloids. The prevalence figures for semi-shovel shaped maxillary incisors (42.6% to 48.6%) and the cusp type of protostylid trait in mandibular molars (10.1%) were higher than for any other populations. Conclusion: The higher prevalences of semi-shovel shaped maxillary incisors, and protostylid cusp on the mandibular molars can be considered to be characteristics of the southern Chinese permanent dentition.
doi:10.2174/1874912701003020071 fatcat:rftztoznvbhrpbbrxpokuejii4