Dynamics of relaxor ferroelectrics

R. Pirc, R. Blinc, V. Bobnar
2001 Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)  
We study a dynamic model of relaxor ferroelectrics based on the spherical random-bond---random-field model and the Langevin equations of motion. The solution to these equations is obtained in the long-time limit where the system reaches an equilibrium state in the presence of random local electric fields. The complex dynamic linear and third-order nonlinear susceptibilities χ_1(ω) and χ_3(ω), respectively, are calculated as functions of frequency and temperature. In analogy with the static
more » ... the dynamic model predicts a narrow frequency dependent peak in χ_3(T,ω), which mimics a transition into a glass-like state.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.63.054203 fatcat:dn2mylcmhjbcvfxl5yhqchkxui