Concealment tactics among HIV-positive nurses in Uganda

Margaret Kyakuwa, Anita Hardon
2012 Culture, Health and Sexuality  
This paper is based on two-and-a-half years of ethnographic fieldwork in two rural Ugandan health centres during a period of ART scale-up. Around one-third of the nurses in these two sites were themselves HIV-positive but most concealed their status. We describe how a group of HIV-positive nurses set up a secret circle to talk about their predicament as HIV-positive healthcare professionals and how they developed innovative care technologies to overcome the skin rashes caused by ART that
more » ... ned to give them away. Together with patients and a traditional healer, the nurses resisted hegemonic biomedical norms denouncing herbal medicines and then devised and advocated for a herbal skin cream treatment to be included in the ART programme.
doi:10.1080/13691058.2012.716452 pmid:22963266 fatcat:zyf566smdrelxpn4d555wetrva