Techniki cyfrowe rejestracji obrazu i eksperyment chemiczny w nowoczesnych mediach

Piotr Jagodziński, Robert Wolski
2013 Neodidagmata  
Jagodzi ski Piotr, Wolski Robert, Techniki cyfrowe rejestracji obrazu i eksperyment chemiczny w nowoczesnych mediach [Digital video recording techniques and chemical experiment in modern media]. "Neodidagmata" 35, Pozna 2013, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, pp. 103-120. ISBN 978-83-232-2685-7. ISSN 0077-653X. This article presents the use of modern information technology to present chemistry experiments. It describes the way in which digital technologies can be used to facilitate the
more » ... ation of educational videos in chemistry and presents the advantages of Internet technology as well as the use of mobile devices in teaching chemistry. This article also discusses the use of a natural user interface, that is, Kinect in relation to creating a virtual chemical laboratory and summarizes the results of studies on the educational usefulness of these didactic measures. Piotr Jagodzi ski, Robert Wolski, Uniwersytet im. Adama
doi:10.14746/nd.2013.35.7 fatcat:th2epqhohbab5jco6n7vkjgmo4