Design and Implementation of Public Opinion Monitoring System Based on Tibetan

AI-qin QI, Cai-Ren PuCuo
2018 DEStech Transactions on Economics Business and Management  
Nowadays, there are many research methods and research aspects such as language processing, information intelligent discovery, automatic data extraction, data mining, statistics and so on to design and realize network information discovery model. There has developed a bad Internet public opinion information recognition monitoring integrated platform In Chinese and English. Tibetan network bad public opinion information monitoring platform recognition is still in the traditional manual mode.
more » ... d on Tibetan network, this paper puts up Tibetan web adverse public opinion information recognition monitoring integrated platform based on content by acquisition and retrieval technology, text mining technology, knowledge management method etc. This paper also can provide the analysis basis for public opinion monitoring department.
doi:10.12783/dtem/apop2017/18572 fatcat:6hr6bcde7zatvbpfsk5pef7l6e