2301 A Review : The Potential of Powder Metallurgy in Recycling Aluminum Chips (Al 6061&Al 7075)

Mohd Warikh ABD RASHID, Fariza Fuziana YACOB, Mohd Amri LAJIS, Mohd Asyadi' Azam MOHD ABID, Effendi MOHAMAD, Teruaki ITO
2014 The Proceedings of Design & Systems Conference  
Aluminium products are becoming popular and the demand is increasing because of its special properties such as excellent corrosion resistance with good strength, recyclable and low density compared to stecl. CurrentlM two methods used to recycle aluminium chips are conventional and direct conversion methods. Recycling ofaluminium chips by the direct conversion methods is relatively simple, censumed less energy and do not harm thc cnvironment. The cost of recycled materials is much lewer than
more » ... cost of primary alurniniurn production by conventional technique. This paper reviews the recycling technologies ofaluminium chips using powder meta11urgy technique. Kewerds: aruminium chip, aluminium recycling, solid state recycling, conventional recycling, direct recycling, powdermetallurgy
doi:10.1299/jsmedsd.2014.24._2301-1_ fatcat:2mmfjx2lazftlf3gxjusfjya4u