The Diagnosis of Malignant Tumours of the Ovary, and Malignant Peritonitis
J. Foulis
BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)
JUly 20 187L] THE BRRIUSHNEDICAL 7OURNAL. gt at the Gorbals of Glasgow. Some hospitals were founded much earlier, evn more than two hundred years before the Glasgow institution. Of course, these hospitals were not like modem hospitals, numbering their inmates by hundreds; but still so general was this disease in the kingdom, and so much was the necessity of isolation considered a duty and safeguard to the community, that there were about one hundred leper hospitals in England and Scotland,
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... were under strict regulations, and the most stringent rules were enacted to prevent the sick from mixing with the well. In some, under certain precautions, the inmates on certain days were allowed to leave to buy provisions. In others, the inmates were punishable by death if they left the hospitals; and, to emphasise tbis regulation, a gallows was erected in front of the leperhouse. WVith regard to the Glasgow house, in the burgh records for 1573 we find that the then magistrates ordered four persons supposed to be lepers " to be viseit, and gif they be found so, to be secludit of the town, in the hospital at the Brigend". In the Parliament held at Perth in 1427, the following is a clause from an Act then passed: " Item, that na lepper folke sit to thig (beg), neither in kirk nor kirk. yaird nor other places within the burrowes, but at their own hospital. and at the fist of the towne and other places outwith the burrowes." The Act afterwards tells us who were the then sanitary inspectors. The third clause is as follows:-" That the bishopes, offichalles, and deanes inquire diligentlie in their visitation of ilk Paroch Kirk gif one be smitted with lipper, and gif any sic (such) be found in that they be delivered to the king if they be seculares, and gif they be clerkes to their bishoppes, and that the burgesses gur keepe this statute under the paine intimet in the statute of beggers . . .. and quhat leprous that keepis not this statute, that he be banished for ever off that burgh qubair he disobeyis, and in likewise to landwart." After the Reforma.