Colour Fixation Strategies on Sustainable Polybutylene Succinate Using Biobased Itaconic Acid [post]

Lidia García-Quiles, Julio Vidal, Debora Puglia, Franco Dominici, Ángel Fernández, Pere Castell
2020 unpublished
BioPBS is gaining attention in the biodegradable polymer market due to their promising properties such as high biodegradability and processing versatility representing a potential sustainable replacement for fossil oil-based commodities. However, there is still a need to enhance its properties for certain applications, being aesthetical and mechanical properties a challenge. The aim of the present work is to improve these properties by adding selected additives that will confer bioPBS with
more » ... rable properties to that of current counterparts such as polypropylene (PP) for specific applications in the automotive and household appliances sectors. A total of thirteen materials have been studied and compared, being twelve biocomposites containing combinations of three different additives: a commercial red colourant, itaconic acid (IA) to enhance colour fixation and zirconia (ZrO2) nanoparticles to maintain at least native PBS mechanical properties. Results show that the combination of IA and the colouring agent tends to slightly yellowish the blend due to the absorbance spectra of IA and also to modify the gloss due to the formation of IA nanocrystals that affects light scattering. In addition, for low amounts of IA (4wt.%), young modulus seems to be kept while elongation at break is even raised. Unexpectedly, a strong aging affect was found after 4 weeks. IA increases the hydrophilic behaviour of the samples and thus seems to accelerate the hydrolisation of the matrix, which is accompanied by an accused disaggregation of phases and an overall softening and rigidization effect. The addition of low amounts of ZrO2 (2wt.%) seems to provide the desired effect for hardening the surface while almost not affecting the other properties; however, higher amounts tends to form aggregates saturating the compounds. As a conclusion, IA might be a good candidate for colour fixing in biobased polymers.
doi:10.20944/preprints202011.0688.v1 fatcat:czzptbry5vfy5ju4mafi2hhrki