Upcoming Special Issue and Open Call: Ecologically Grounded Creative Practices and Ubimus; Interaction and Environment

Brian Bridges, Damián Keller, Victor Lazzarini
2021 Zenodo  
Ubimus seeks to address the intersection between mobile networked technologies, embedded systems, modular hardware, internet of things (IoT), and emerging social, interactive and enactive perspectives on music-making. Thus, ubimus research has applied a variety of models, including ecological/embodied cognition, and accessible and participatory design. Its holistic view of music also finds parallels in Varèse's 'organized sound', Schafer's 'soundscape', Feld's 'acoustemology', Small's
more » ... ' and Landy's 'sound-based music', whereby a variety of musics and practices converge. This proposed special issue will address ubimus from the perspective of ecosystems: sites for the meeting of technologies, people and creative experiences, and questions of materiality and sustainability.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5569176 fatcat:uv4kkpyzrvh4xe7hohnzuit4fa