Generating a novel sort algorithm using Reinforcement Programming

Spencer K. White, Tony Martinez, George Rudolph
2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation  
Reinforcement Programming (RP) is a new approach to automatically generating algorithms, that uses reinforcement learning techniques. This paper describes the RP approach and gives results of experiments using RP to generate a generalized, in-place, iterative sort algorithm. The RP approach improves on earlier results that that use genetic programming (GP). The resulting algorithm is a novel algorithm that is more efficient than comparable sorting routines. RP learns the sort in fewer
more » ... than GP and with fewer resources. Results establish interesting empirical bounds on learning the sort algorithm: A list of size 4 is sufficient to learn the generalized sort algorithm. The training set only requires one element and learning took less than 200,000 iterations. RP has also been used to generate three binary addition algorithms: a full adder, a binary incrementer, and a binary adder.
doi:10.1109/cec.2010.5586457 dblp:conf/cec/WhiteMR10 fatcat:oyrqtgpjwrbj3nmci572bl6kma