Atomic Distribution in Liquid Helium

C. F. A. Beaumont, J. Reekie
1955 Proceedings of the Royal Society A  
A to m ic d istr ib u tio n in liq u id h e liu m The angular distribution of intensity of X-radiation scattered by liquid helium has been investigated between 4*20 and 1*27°K. Liquid-ring diffraction patterns are obtained at all temperatures, with the main maximum at an angle of about 28*5°. The intensity distribution appears almost the same for all temperatures below 3°K; slight differences only are observable at 4-20°K. Detailed analyses have been made at 2*06 and 4*20° K, and the structure
more » ... actors and atomic distribution functions deduced for these two temperatures. I n t r o d u c t io n * Present address: Physical Metallurgy Division, Department of Mines, Ottawa, Ontario. [ 363 ] *4 Vol. 228. A.
doi:10.1098/rspa.1955.0053 fatcat:rz6lamrffrdvxnwikdwmr6we3y