Exploring the Key Factors of Knowledge Sharing via Employee Weblogs

Saeed Rahimi Moghadam, Harihodin Selamat, Shahin Moosavi
2013 Research Journal of Applied Sciences Engineering and Technology  
In this study, two dependent variables of individual's intention and attitude have been defined for knowledge sharing via the employee weblog and independent variables have been determined in 3 groups of social influence factor, technology acceptance factor and social cognitive factor with subset variables including the subjective norm, social identity, group norm (first group), perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment (second group), self-efficacy, personal outcome
more » ... tation, altruism and trust (third group). This research reviews the previous studies in the field of knowledge sharing via the employee weblog. The main difference of this research with other studies is to collect and complete a full set of factors affecting the knowledge sharing according to the factors raised in previous studies. Finally the suggestions have been provided for conducting the statistical studies in Iran.
doi:10.19026/rjaset.6.3578 fatcat:bgwgtbh2azfdhmewo4236gozhi