Incidence of Rhinosporidiosis in Jharkhand

Dr. Ranbir Kumar Pandey, Dr. Amit Kumar, Dr. Dheeraj Kumar
2017 IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences  
Rhinosporidiosis is a disease caused by Rhinosporidium seeberi which primarily affects the mucosa of the nose, conjunctiva and urethra. Rhinosporidiosis is endemic disease which has affected various parts of the world, most notably India and Sri Lanka. Its manifestation is a polypoid mass growing inside the affected cavity and the only treatment is surgical excision. Rhinosporidiosis is a condition which both clinicians and microbiologists should keep in mind when managing patients with nasal
more » ... sses even those from non endemic areas. It is critical in such cases to follow the clinical course to ensure against recurrence of the disease. This study describes the clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of rhinosporidiosis of the nose and nasopharynx in Jharkhand. Material and Method: The retrospective study population consisted of patients presented to ENT department at Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi with nasal mass associated with nasal bleeding. Patients was examined systematically giving due importance to local examination. After clinical diagnosis, Surgical treatment given and further investigations were done for the confirmation of diagnosis. Treatment instituted appropriately and follow up done. Results: A male gender and rural residential status has high incidence of rhinosporidiosis. Bathing in rivers and ponds were found to be strongly associated with rhinosporidiosis. Almost all patients were found to be of low socioeconomic status. Nasal obstruction and epistaxis were the most common presenting complaints. Conclusion: Rhinosporidiosis is common in male gender, young and middle aged adults, rural residential status, a history of bathing in ponds and rivers and a low socioeconomic status. Post-surgical recurrence of rhinosporidial masses can be avoided with careful and complete clearance of the mass and cauterization of the base. Appropriate and consistent public health education helps to reduce the incidence of rhinosporidiosis in endemic communities.
doi:10.9790/0853-1601101618 fatcat:jycsdddi7bb7jo2mf7ainjhrde