THE POWER OF (NEO)MYTH. Review of the monograph by Jasmina Vojvodić Neomythologism in actual Russian prose, Moscow: Flinta, 2021. 240 p
СИЛА (НЕО)МИФА. Рецензия на монографию Ясмины Войводич «Неомифологизм в актуальной русской прозе». М.: «Флинта», 2021. 240 с

Zivа Bencic, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
2021 Siberian Philological Forum  
Russian writer Jasmina Vojvodić's monograph Neomythologism in Actual Russian Prose focuses on an important but still insufficiently studied aspect of modern Russian literature. It is safe to assume that due to the originality of the approach to the problem under consideration, as well as the choice of the research material itself, it will meet a lively response from the scientific community. The monograph Neomythologism in actual Russian prose contains twelve chapters, one of which serves as a
more » ... heoretical introduction, and the remaining eleven are divided into three large thematic blocks, called The Game of Ice Neomyth, Trivialization of myth and Historical Neomyth.
doi:10.25146/2587-7844-2021-13-1-72 fatcat:sjfuljvt7zfp7albrba4dslqoq