Microwave absorption ins- andd-wave disordered superconductors

Mai Suan Li
2001 Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)  
We model s- and d-wave ceramic superconductors with a three-dimensional lattice of randomly distributed Josephson junctions with finite self-inductance. The field and temperature dependences of the microwave absoption are obtained by solving the corresponding Langevin dynamical equations. We find that at magnetic field H=0 the microwave absoption of the s-wave samples, when plotted against the field, has a minimum at any temperature. In the case of d-wave superconductors one has a peak at H=0
more » ... the temperature region where the paramagnetic Meissner effect is observable. These results agree with experiments. The dependence of the microwave absorption on the screening strength was found to be nontrivial due to the crossover from the weak to the strong screening regime.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.64.144501 fatcat:l2gwjj7mr5fbtpglus753zfw3q