Quasi-two-dimensional metallic hydrogen inside di-phosphide at high pressure

N N Degtyarenko, E A Mazur
2016 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
The method of mathematical modeling was used for the calculation of the structural, electronic, phonon, and other characteristics of various normal phases of phosphorus hydrides with stoichiometry PHk. It was shown that the di-phosphine may form 2D lattice of the metallic hydrogen, stabilized by phosphorus atoms under high hydrostatic compressive pressure. The resulting structure with the elements of H-P-H is a locally stable one in the phonon spectrum (or metastable). The properties of
more » ... hine with the properties of similar structures such as thesulphur hydrides were compared.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/747/1/012029 fatcat:oatobvbjzjdbnpkj6o4xgyubcq