Investigating The Mathematical Literacy of Primary School Students in Curriculum 2013

Komang Komang Sujendra Diputra, Komang Sujendra Diputra, I Made Suarjana, I Gusti Ngurah Japa
2019 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019)   unpublished
This research was based on the results of the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) publication which showed the mathematics literacy of Indonesian students was still below the average set by PISA. The curriculum 2013 was implemented to follow up on the PISA report which based on identification results found that many competencies in PISA were not adopted in the previous Indonesian Curriculum. Theoretically, learning in Curriculum 2013 should accommodate the contents of
more » ... l literacy according to the PISA standard. At present, as the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum as a whole in Indonesia, it was necessary to study the effectiveness of the Curriculum 2013 on the development of students' mathematical literacy. Specifically, this study aims to examine the mathematics literacy of elementary school students in curriculum 2013 for thematic learning. The subjects in this study were fifth grade elementary school students in Cluster IX of Buleleng Sub district. Mathematical literacy data were collected using the PISA standardized literacy math test specifically for elementary school students. The results of the study showed that elementary school students were only able to answer level one questions where the concept and how to solve it were clearly visible. The results of the investigation showed that in learning, students were not trained enough to work on problem solving questions and still emphasize on routine and procedural questions.
doi:10.2991/icet-19.2019.16 fatcat:uufvlpxgh5cedis57ruty6gtdu