Service Life Evaluation through Probabilistic Method Considering Time-Dependent Chloride Behavior
염해 시간의존성을 고려한 확률론적 내구수명 평가

Seung-Jun Kwon
2016 Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute  
The service life in RC (Reinforced Concrete) is very important and it is usually obtained through deterministic method based on Fick's 2nd law and probabilistic method. This paper presents an evaluation of   (durability failure probability) and the related service life considering time-dependent behaviors in chloride diffusion and surface chloride content. For the work, field investigation is performed for RC structures exposed to chloride attack for 3.5~4.5years, focusing tidal zone (6.0 m)
more » ... and sea shore (9.0 m), respectively. Random variables like cover depth, chloride diffusion coefficient, and surface chloride content are obtained, and   and the service life are evaluated. Unlike the results from deterministic method using LIFE 365, probabilistic method with time effects on diffusion and surface chloride shows a relatively rapid change in the result, which is a significant reductions of service life in the case with low surface chloride content. For probabilistic evaluation of durability, high surface chloride content over 10.0 kg/m 3 is required and reasonable service life can be derived with consideration of time-dependent diffusion coefficient.
doi:10.4334/jkci.2016.28.2.149 fatcat:ks7amd6gkvgmrknj54yjwdny2a