Shashank Bhardwaj .
2014 International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology  
The problem of health monitoring has been taken as it is one of the challenging problems in rural areas where people many times do not get proper treatment and are not financially sound to visit doctors in city. Asthma is a prevalent disease; many lives are lost due to lack of proper treatment which in turn can be saved if proper prognosis is done in time. In this study of neuro fuzzy network, a detailed study has been done on the various schemes and strategies that are part of neural networks.
more » ... The world today is not based only on discrete concepts but on fuzzy concepts, which made us research on the world of soft computing and finally a health monitoring system based on neural network is developed. Our objective is to study the various techniques and algorithms of neural network and to find the most efficient technique to implement this problem of health monitoring. The estimation of information about disease is based on the variables that affect its state. ---
doi:10.15623/ijret.2014.0308005 fatcat:c4xyzyeycvavdgnoywpfzghacu