Recommendations For The Hygienic Preparation Of Infant Formula In Powder Form [report]

German Federal Institute For Risk Assessment
2012 Zenodo  
The hygienic requirements for infant formula are very high. For this reason, infections caused by pathogenic germs are rare. Nevertheless, in exceptional cases, contamination of the baby food may occur, because many types of germs survive the manufacturing process for food in powder form. They can then multiply in the prepared food. In addition, baby food can be contaminated with germs via spoons, teats or baby bottles when the formula is prepared. Against this background, the Federal Institute
more » ... for Risk Assessment (BfR) recommends that infant formula in powder form is prepared only shortly before consumption. Preferably, water that has been boiled should be used for preparing infant formula in the first months of a baby's life. To shake the powder, water temperatures of up to 50 °C are sufficient for healthy babies born after a full-term pregnancy. Longer periods of more than two hours from the time the formula is prepared to consumption or during cooling and reheating with storage above 5° C should be avoided at all costs. Any residue of prepared food should be disposed of. Contamination with germs during preparation can be prevented by washing the kitchen utensils used for this purpose in the dishwasher at 65 °C or by thoroughly cleaning them with hot water and detergent.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.581136 fatcat:yrds37ienffcbh7hlpnmboa5om