
小惠 徐
2020 教育科学发展  
揖摘 要铱中国政府高度重视高校思想政治教育工作, 围绕高校教育培养什么人、 怎样培 养人、 为谁培养人的问题, 给出指导意见。论文对内地高校少数民族学生思政工作存在的 问题进行分析, 剖析根源, 探析教育工作新路径。 揖Abstract铱The Chinese government attaches great importance to the work of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the ideological and political work of ethnic minority students in mainland universities, analyzes the root causes, and explores the new path of education work. 揖关键词铱少数民族学生; 思政教育; 路径研究; 揖Keywords铱minority
more » ... udents; ideological and political education; method research 揖DOI铱10.36012/sde.v2i2.1206 教育理论与研究 Educational Theory and Research 18
doi:10.36012/sde.v2i2.1206 fatcat:kvo3lnd3lvek3ex2xgrdma434y