Desalination Approach of Seawater and Brackish Water by Coconut Shell Activated Carbon as a Natural Filter Method

Jayaprakash M C, Poorvi Shetty, Raju Aedla | D V Reddy
2018 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development  
Engineers are challenged to develop cost effective ways to produce large quantities of water suitable for drinking, crop irrigation and commercial use for regions of the world that suffer from water shortages. Water desalination is expensive, requiring lar amounts of energy and specialized equipment to convert saltwater into drinking water. The present study aims to develop a cheaper, cleaner, easy and more energy-efficient way of desalinating seawater technique by using natural filters, it can
more » ... help the common people as it affordable during their immediate requirements. The developed technique seemed to be very effective in reducing the concentration of seawater ions. The desalination system is developed by selecting coconut charcoal as the substrate material. As per the results obtained from prototype of seawater and brackish water, there is 60% reduction in chloride and reduction in sodium; this is mainly due to the usage of activated carbon charcoal as the filter media. It is also observed through experiments that there is 100% reduction in iron,53% reduction in sulphate, 20% reduction in total dissolved solids and 12% reduction in hardness which clearly indicates that the selected filter medias those are activated carbon sand, laterite would be used as the filter future experiments on desalination using natural filters. This work is to present an overview of current and future technologies applied to the desalination of
doi:10.31142/ijtsrd19123 fatcat:2v556uosh5gf3c4gn7xhfaqivm