Abelian gauge fluxes and local models in F-theory

Yu-Chieh Chung
2010 Journal of High Energy Physics  
We analyze the Abelian gauge fluxes in local F-theory models with G_S=SU(6) and SO(10). For the case of G_S=SO(10), there is a no-go theorem which states that for an exotic-free spectrum, there are no solutions for U(1)^2 gauge fluxes. We explicitly construct the U(1)^2 gauge fluxes with an exotic-free bulk spectrum for the case of G_S=SU(6). We also analyze the conditions for the curves supporting the given field content and discuss non-minimal spectra of the MSSM with doublet-triplet splitting.
doi:10.1007/jhep03(2010)006 fatcat:irkiuttgenfjzaocxd3wiw2ca4