Sound Scope Pad

Masatoshi Hamanaka
2022 Zenodo  
We developed Sound Scope Pad to provide an active music listening experience that combines AI, virtual reality (VR), and spatial acoustics. Users can emphasize the sounds of different performers by turning their head to the left or right or bringing their hands closer to their ears, allowing them to find and focus on the performer they want to hear. In the Sound Scope Headphones that we previously built, the user's head direction was detected by an accelerometer mounted on the headphones arc.
more » ... Sound Scope Pad, we enable detection in the head direction by combining the angle information detected by the acceleration gyro sensor of a tablet and the angle information of the head recognized from the front camera image of the tablet.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6800828 fatcat:bvu3jemownbstildoxs2miks3u