Free Vibrations of Anisotropic Nano-Objects with Rounded or Sharp Corners

Lucien Saviot
2021 Nanomaterials  
An extension of the Rayleigh–Ritz variational method to objects with superquadric and superellipsoid shapes and cylinders with cross-sections delimited by a superellipse is presented. It enables the quick calculation of the frequencies and displacements for shapes commonly observed in nano-objects. Original smooth shape variations between objects with plane, convex, and concave faces are presented. The validity of frequently used isotropic approximations for experimentally relevant vibrations
more » ... discussed. This extension is expected to facilitate the assignment of features observed with vibrational spectroscopies, in particular in the case of single-nanoparticle measurements.
doi:10.3390/nano11071838 pmid:34361222 pmcid:PMC8308452 fatcat:2ntfjfo6zzdcdnteud3p5zd5ni